Monthly Musings August 23 – Adopted Dog, New Home, New Start

Hi Lovelies,

Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo

Monthly Musings August 23 - Adopted Dog, New Home, New Start
Monthly Musings August 23 – Adopted Dog, New Home, New Start

How are You, hope summer is treating You well? I have a lot of changes in my life, let me fill You in real quick πŸ™‚


adopted Dog


Monthly Musings August 23 - Adopted Dog, New Home, New Start
Monthly Musings August 23 – Adopted Dog, New Home, New Start

Hello Everyone πŸ’ž I am Milo, adopted puppy who lives withΒ @green_life_in_dublinΒ & her family. I am smart and loving, but also very naughty and anxious (because I changed a few families before ending up here). In ten days I am with this family I stole a million socks, chew furniture and anything I can get my paws on, I am up for naughty actions always and always – think mom going to the bathroom and me stealing a treat. And I am not even sorry 😁 I love long walks, running an hour a day, chew toys and treats. I also love all humans and dogs I meet on my walks, but sometimes I am afraid of small dogs and cats. I also bring lots of joy and laughter to make up for the early rise and lots of loving care I require.

new home

I am happy and proud of finally achieving my life long dream – we bought a house! It took us way longer than I expected with many twists and turns in life, but currently I am packing boxes to move. I will tell You more about it in the future.

new start

The house we bought is far way from Dublin, there are lots of aspects to that, including being outpriced out of Dublin, but also us looking for slower pace of life and better quality of life down the country. At the moment we are like headless chickens trying to pack our belongings accumulated over the last two decades, trying to downsize and trying to squeeze in as much fun and cultural outings Dublin has to offer “one last time”. We are looking into job and school changes and now I realize I should have adopted the dog AFTER the move and not before, but it is what it is and he is going nowhere. At the moment it’s hard because he can’t be left alone even for a minute, he chews everything and naughty tricks quickly went from innocent sock stealing to jumping on a (glass) table and sending contents on the floor, including wine glass that sent shards everywhere… Hopefully it will get better after we move.