Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo

How are all of You, I hope You are well? After a little break I am back to talk about the natural things that brought me joy lately. Are You ready?
I find winter to be hard. I have had SAD or seasonal depression for decades and while I have better tools to deal with it now, it still hits me like a ton of bricks. With all the big life changes and the uber active dog I thought I wouldn’t have it this year, but it still came and my body gave out for a couple of weeks, so I had to take a break. It took me decades to learn, but I am learning not to push through but give my body rest when it needs it. Missing blogging deadlines gave me anxiety, because it hurts the blog, but at the same time I recognize the fact working myself to the ground to please algorithms is good to no one. I do have a few fun posts in the drafts, but let’s look at the Winter favourites for now? Two days before the winter ends 🙂
new clothes
As I mentioned in this post, I am thinking of giving myself a yearly Slow Fashion challenge again. I did it two years ago and it was fun, so let’s bring it back. I am yet to post anything, but watch this space. For now, I am going to tell You exactly how many new (or new to me) clothes I bought in the last two months. Eight pieces of clothing and one belt at the grand total of 160€. Not bad, huh? After not allowing myself new clothes for a year last year, the cork popped and I ended up splashing out on five new pieces in one day. That brought me joy in a moment, but it already faded. I made sure to choose pieces I loved, so I know I am going to get so much wear out of all of them. You will see them soon. In the meantime You can take a look at how I fared last time – if You are interested of course.
2022 Slow Fashion Chronicles Wrap Up – Green Life In Dublin Wears
fushi shea butter Light
My skin goes haywire in winters and this is my saving grace. There are three shea butter variations that Fushi does and I love them all equally. I have reviewed them a good few years ago & I make sure to stock op on all of them in the cold time of the year. That should say a lot.
epsom salt baths & detox baths
I rarely have time for them, but I do enjoy a good soak in the bath when it happens. I love putting in the whole bag of epsom/ magnesium salts or my Detox Bath DIY I am doing for quite some time now. I will link it in the case You are interested. There’s video too 🙂 Once upon a time I made Youtube videos….
Local health store
Turns out I have awesome health store in my town and I had no idea about it for six months! There was one more, but it closed it’s doors straight after New Year. There was no warning or closing down sale signs. I went to shop there one day and found it empty with the “For Rent” sign on the window. I thought that was the only one health store in town, so I was so upset about it. I contacted the owner via FB page asking if she had any other branches elsewhere and she directed me to it. Good news for me, as a lover of all things natural and organic. They carry so much of the products I already love and had to source from all over the place. Bad news I can’t link it for You, they don’t have the website or social media. Very strange in these times, but it is their choice. I can’t tell them what to do.
weleda sea buckthorn hand cream & Everon lip balm
I stocked up on some Weleda products in Black Friday sales. Not everything became a favourite, but these two products did. The hand cream smells gorgeous, sinks in fast and leaves my hands nourished and soft for hours. The lip balm is the same, minus the scent. I need my lip balms to stay on the lips and so many of them don’t. I blogged about my favourite lip balms ages ago but two are no longer made, so I am so happy to have found this as a replacement. I watch it as a hawk and do not allow my family members to lose it (they can use it, but have to put it back immediately in the same spot). If only You knew how notorious they are for losing All.The.Things.All.The.Time, You would understand. As I am writing this, I stocked up on four sets. Not even kidding and I am not even sorry. How could I not when one set (of lip balm plus and cream) cost me €6.14 at Ecco Verde? How?? The pricing blows my mind but I am very happy to take advantage of the offer. Go fast if You want this too.
Sand & Fog candles
Natural AND affordable candles anyone? I am definitely enjoying burning my Sand & Fog candles from Live In The Light. See me mentioning them as part of my 2023 Best Wellness products and find the shop linked at the end of this post. There’s 15% off code too. Just saying 🙂
2023 Best Products – Natural Health & Wellness – Green Life In Dublin

Daily affirmations
If You want to see daily affirmations, check my IG stories. After a few years break I got affirmations calendar & a little while later I thought to myself, why I am keeping it all to myself? So I started sharing them on my IG stories. You can see the sneak preview above. I feel it is nice to start the day with intentional thought rather than being reactive to things.
Innersense hair care
This duo was the ONLY hair care I was using for the last couple of months and that is saying something, isn’t it? I was late to the trend but now I understand the cult following. These products give me seriously amazing hair days! More in the review.
Innersense Organic Beauty hair care review – Green Life In Dublin
blooming lovely botanics blooming blue everything balm
This brand was founded by my blogger friend Lu from A Life Of Lovely. This blue balm has blue camomile oil, as well as a lot of other great natural ingredients. I talked about it on my IG here and let me tell You the short version of it – my dermatitis affected skin loves it and I am definitely repurchasing once I run out!
Ps. Say the name three times fast 🙂

While this is a very recent favourite, I still want to mention it. Dafna Skincare is eco luxury sensorial skincare from Spain and I have had the opportunity to enjoy a couple of their products in the past. I recently talked about it and couldn’t believe my eyes when they asked if I would like to try one of their new releases. My initial choice was sold out, but I quickly settled on this once I was told I can use it on the face. Reading ingredients list alone will male You fall in love with a brand. Ever heard of Collagen, Retinol, Peptides & Ginseng in Your decollete cream? How about bio retinol? Reishi? Green tea? Stable vitamin C? It is all there and then some. It suits my sensitive skin to a T and I love how smooth and nourished my skin feels after application too. Did I try it on my face? You bet I did! I will keep You posted on long(er) term results.
I get everything from these favourite online shops:
The Dutch Health Store for Living Libations, essential oils, magnesium & so much more
Live In The Light code GREENLIFEINDUBLIN15 saves You 15%
Living Libations
The Clean Beauty Edit GREENLIFE10 saves You 10%
Pure Anada
Fushi Wellbeing
iHerb code CDI1500 saves $£€ for the first timers
Thanks for reading! I really appreciate You taking the time to come to my little corner of internet.
Please let me know Your best products or recent favorites so I can check them out.
Bye for now, see You here next Tuesday, my posting day xo
Sending LOVE & LIGHT,