Spring 2024 Natural & Eco Favourites – Green Life In Dublin

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Spring 2024 Natural & Eco Favourites - Green Life In Dublin
Spring 2024 Natural & Eco Favourites – Green Life In Dublin

How are You all, I hope You are all right? Let’s pause life/work/volunteering/family/dog/friends loop for a second and think of what have we enjoyed recently? Mine are below.

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23/24 Winter Favourites – Fushi, Evolve, Weleda, Epsom Salts, Natural Candles & more

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23/24 Winter Favourites - Fushi, Evolve, Weleda, Epsom Salts, Natural Candles
23/24 Winter Favourites – Fushi, Evolve, Weleda, Epsom Salts, Natural Candles

How are all of You, I hope You are well? After a little break I am back to talk about the natural things that brought me joy lately. Are You ready?

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November 23 Loves – Evolve Organic Beauty, Live In The Light Christmas Box & more

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November 23 Loves - Evolve Organic Beauty, Live In The Light Christmas Box & more
November 23 Loves – Evolve Organic Beauty, Live In The Light Christmas Box & more

How are all of You, I hope You are good? Another month is drawing to a close, so that calls for a recent favourites post, no?

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Natural & Organic Autumn 23 Favourites – Green Life In Dublin

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Natural & Organic Autumn 23 Favourites - Green Life In Dublin
Natural & Organic Autumn 23 Favourites – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? With the temperatures dropping quickly & ever present rain being back with the vengeance – a storm is about to hit Ireland tomorrow, eek! Let me quickly tell You about my fall/ autumn favourites to take my mind off it? It’s been a long while since I did faves post, more than a year I think, so it is about time 🙂

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2022 Best Series – Natural & Organic Skincare – Green Life In Dublin

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2022 Best Series – Natural & Organic Skincare – Green Life In Dublin
2022 Best Series – Natural & Organic Skincare – Green Life In Dublin

Happy New Year! Please allow me to present the Best Of 2022, let’s start with skincare.

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Revisiting My 2018 Love Lula Favourites

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Love Lula Best Natural & Organic Products

How are all of You? I hope everyone is keeping up well during these difficult times? If You need a distraction & are up for some blog reading, let’s revisit my 2018 Love Lula Best products & see how many of them are still standing strong today? See this FB album for 80 more Love Lula related posts here & check out their online shop here. (sadly no longer exists)

Idea for this post came when I was backing up my blog posts – being still is the best time on catching up on all the things I knew I needed to do, but never had time to actually do it. As life doesn’t stand still, my Holy Grail product change over time too, due to many different reasons – the brands sell out, products change in formulations, stop working for me or are no longer stocked by Love Lula. If You want to know my Love Lula Loves from two years ago, You are in the right place 🙂 Continue reading “Revisiting My 2018 Love Lula Favourites”

Natural & Organic Products For A Weekend Away

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How are all of you, I hope you are well?

Today is going to be a quick post on what natural and organic products I took to Rome for a mini getaway to treat Mom for her birthday. For those of you who might not know, my mom had a breast cancer about a year and a half ago. She won, which pleases me to no end, but being aware of the limited time we had left, I got this idea in my head to whisk my mom away for her ultimate Birthday this year and I didn’t rest until I made that happen.
I got request to see what exactly I took with me, so this post is for you guys – here is the breakdown of the products. Continue reading “Natural & Organic Products For A Weekend Away”

Summer Solstice Favourites – Collaboration with Laura Bruj

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How are all of You, I hope You are great? Today is the day I will share my early summer 2019 favourites in collaboration with the ever fabulous fellow green beauty blogger Laura Bruj. You should go and check her out (I will leave all the links at the end of this post) and you will be glad you did – she is US green beauty blogger who is making waves into the right direction, she focuses on all things plastic free, sustainable, natural and as much waste free as possible, and is not afraid to call out greenwashing brands. You just got to love her for it. But wait, there is more – she is also a Youtuber (again, find the link at the end of this post) and she is so good with make up that she is making me all jel – a green beauty chameleon for sure. You just have to scroll her IG page to see for herself.

Let’s see my current favourites now and go see Laura’s favourites straight after? Done deal 🙂

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18 Natural & Organic 2018 Favourites I Still Use Daily

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Natural & Organic products, the best products, natural beauty, clean beauty, green life in dublin
18 Natural & Organic Favourites

How are all of you, I hope life is treating you well? I’ve been thinking about my favourite products lately and which ones are long standing ones, and I have came up with a blog post on the spot – let’s see my ride or die favourites from 2018 still used daily today?

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Natural & Organic Spring 2019 Favourites

Hi Lovelies,

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Natural & Organic Spring 2019 Favourites – Green Life In Dublin

How are you all doing? I hope you are well? Now that the sun is out and my SAD has lifted, I feel so much better and feel the zest for life coming back. It also means I got interested in my products so much more, so therefore I have been testing lots, sifting through what’s good and what’s not – and sharing the best with you! Ready to get started? I thought you would never ask 🙂

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