Shopping My Stash #10 – Fushi Wellbeing, Josh Rosebrook, Hurraw, Bloomtown & more

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Shopping My Stash #10 - Fushi Wellbeing, Josh Rosebrook, Hurraw, Bloomtown & more
Shopping My Stash #10 – Fushi Wellbeing, Josh Rosebrook, Hurraw, Bloomtown & more

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Happy 4th of July to my friends in America!

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Love Lula July 2021 Beauty Box reveal – Green Life In Dublin – AD

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Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

Love Lula July 2021 Beauty Box reveal - Green Life In Dublin - AD
Love Lula July 2021 Beauty Box reveal – Green Life In Dublin – AD

I hope everyone is doing well? Today I want to talk about the gift that keeps on giving – please step forward Love Lula’s Beauty Box. To see 100+ Love Lula* posts and review click here, but for now, let’s dive in to see what’s in July 2021 box.

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Plastic Free Love Lula Picks – Green Life In Dublin

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Plastic Free Love Lula Picks - Green Life In Dublin
Plastic Free Love Lula Picks – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I want to talk about my recent and long time standing favourite products from Love Lula* that are plastic free. Interested to know more? Thought so ๐Ÿ™‚

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Natural & Organic March 21 Empties – Green Life In Dublin

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Natural & Organic March 21 Empties - Green Life In Dublin
Natural & Organic March 21 Empties – Green Life In Dublin

Empties. Love finishing products down to the last drop, but not posting about them for some reason. But! You guys love them & have asked me to continue to post them –ย  this is for You. I love being of service to my readers & if You find value in these posts, I will keep them up. This year I am also adding totals, both in quantity of products & value – although I am not to sure I want to face them ๐Ÿ™‚

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2020 Best Series – Natural & Organic Hair & Body – Green Life In Dublin

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2020 Best Series - Natural & Organic Hair & Body - Green Life In Dublin
2020 Best Series – Natural & Organic Hair & Body – Green Life In Dublin

Hope You are all well or well enough! Today I am sharing with You my 2020 Best Hair & Body products. If You follow me for any amount of time, it will come as no surprise to You, but if You are new here – think Rahua, Pure Anada, Bloomtown, Fushi, Living Libations and lots more. Matching YouTube video here in the case You love watching more than reading.

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Love Lula Picks + Beauty Box December 2020 [AD]

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Happy and healthy 2021! If you fancy some blog reading, I would love to tell You what I chose for blogger picks last month, plus what came in the Beauty Box. Let’s get started?

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My Natural Bath & Shower Products – YouTube Collaboration

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My natural bath & shower products - Green Life In Dublin
My natural bath & shower products – Green Life In Dublin

How are all of You, I hope You are well? Today I am coming at You with another Youtube video collaboration with my Natural Beauty Sisters on what natural and organic bath & shower products I use. Let’s have a look?

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My 20+ Forever Repurchases From Love Lula

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20+ Forever Repurchases from Love Lula
20+ Forever Repurchases from Love Lula

Hope life is treating you well and you are enjoying summer! Today I ordered both my blogger and personal order from Love Lula* (it is important to me to support brands and businesses I believe in) and I got thinking what products I purchased from Love Lula time and time again? Turns out more than 20 and counting! ย Check out thisย FB album for over 111 Love Lula related posts and reviews. My love for this wonderful online store runs deep!
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Bloomtown Review

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Bloomtown products review
Bloomtown products review]

Hope You are well? Today I am coming at You with a quick brand review – please step forward Bloomtown. I first discovered them when judging for The Beauty Shortlist Awards a couple of years back – one whiff of The Hedgerow products and I knew I was in love forever ๐Ÿ™‚ Then I tried practically the whole line and fell in love some more. Did I mention that Love Lula carries the line? Or that everything is really affordable? Continue reading “Bloomtown Review”

Love Lula Black Friday Sale ’19

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Love Lula Black Friday Sale 19
Love Lula Black Friday Sale 19

So it is that time of the year! Love Lula Black Friday sale time, that’s it. Everything is 15% off with the code “FRIDAY”. Time to treat yourself and maybe get all of Your Christmas presents in one go maybe?

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