Hi Lovelies,
Welcome if You are back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo

How are all of You, I hope Your new Year started great? Good? Me neither, but let’s distract ourselves with some good natural beauty products post, shall we?
Green beauty and eco lifestyle blog
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome if You are back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
How are all of You, I hope Your new Year started great? Good? Me neither, but let’s distract ourselves with some good natural beauty products post, shall we?
Hello Lovelies,
Happy 2022!
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here.. Uff, where do I even start?
Continue reading “Project Pan Everything I Own – Green Life In Dublin”
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Hope life is treating You well? Time for the Fall/ Autumn favourites again! I have some good stuff to show You, even if they are repeats over and over. They are favourites for a reason, am I right or am I right?
Continue reading “Natural & Organic Fall 21 Favourites – Green Life In Dublin”
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Hope all of You are well! Are You loving Autumn? Today’s post is inspired by Meagan at Growing Up Herbal, she is a herbalist I follow and she just posted about her slow living Autumn goals, so I thought I would do mine. All of these things were swirling in my head lately and her post inspired to put it all down on paper. Or blog 🙂 Think Happy List meets Seasonal To Do List. Let’s dive in?
Continue reading “Slow Living Autumn Goals – 2021 – Green Life In Dublin”
Hello Lovelies,
Hello Lovelies, Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Today is making lame reels & fire cider day! Want to know more? Let me tell You all about it 🙂
Continue reading “Making Healing/ Fire Cider – Green Life In Dublin”
Hello Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if you are new here xoxo
From empties to new goodies, it is only natural, right? In this post I want to show You what I ordered + got PR in the month of March. I know You want to peek, so let’s get into it? Think Dutch Health Store, Love Lula, health food store order, Gluten Free Bible + more. About half of it was bought with my own hard earned moolah, I make a point of supporting the brands and shops I love.
Continue reading “Clean Beauty New In – Blogger & Personal Mail – March 21”
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo
From iHerb must haves to wish list 🙂
After one too many DMs answering Your questions what products and brands from iHerb I recommend, I blogged about them here. While browsing my lists and order history, I fell down the rabbit hole of browsing to store to no end and compiling various lists. Be sure to watch the sales, because they happen a lot there & also use CDI1500 to save further if it’s Your 1st order.
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xo
How are You guys, I hope You are well! I get asked over and over again what are products on iHerb I recommend, so this post is for You guys. By the way, watch the sales, because you can get deals so sweet You won’t be able to resist – on top of their low prices to begin with. My code CDI1500 will give You additional savings if it is Your first order.
Continue reading “My iHerb Must Haves – Green Life In Dublin”
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
Hope You are well! Or well enough? This latest lockdown is taking out a lot out of me, I am finding it so much harder than the last times – anyone else feeling the same?
Today this squirrel in a wheel is finally finishing 2020 Best Series and it is time for health, wellness and lifestyle favourites. If You follow me for some time, You will know or be able to guess my choices, but if You are new here, think Living Libations, Boiron, OreganolP73, Medicine Flower, Na’vi Organics, Wunder Workshop, Jeomra and more. Intrigued? Never heard of them? Then let’s get started 🙂
Continue reading “2020 Best Series – Lifestyle, Health & Wellness – Green Life in Dublin”
Hi Lovelies,
Welcome back! And welcome if You are new here xoxo
How are all of You, I hope You are well or well enough? Today I am coming at You with yet more reviews of the brand I truly love – because that’s what You do, don’t You? When You find a truly clean brand that’s beyond organic, beyond fairtrade, wildcrafted, food grade, any synthetic free, beyond fair trade, gluten free & GMO free – You go back for more. And more. And more. This time I went for Illume Hotberry Fortifying Elixir and I am here to report back to You 🙂
Continue reading “Living Libations Illume Hotberry review – Green Life In Dublin”